Blogging, life, Random, Reading, Writing

Let’s Celebrate Ladies in 2018!

Updated the hashtags, 3.3.18!

Updated the list, 2.26.18!

Update 2.25.18– I’ve updated the list! And I apologize if anyone was having trouble commenting earlier 😦 I think I’ve fixed the problem, but if you still have issues, you can drop me a message on my Facebook page with your info and I will get you added as quickly as possible!

Credit to Adan Ramie for this great graphic!

International Women’s Day is March 8th, 2018, and I have something very special in the works. For the week of March 4th- March 10th, I thought it would be cool to celebrate all the amazing women authors out there in the world!


Continue reading “Let’s Celebrate Ladies in 2018!”

Blogging, life, Random, Reading, Writing

A Reply to “New Blog Feature: Girl Books”

Read the original blog post by Elissa here: New Blog Feature: Girl Books

“We need more books that feature strong, loving, nurturing female protagonists…”

I consider myself a feminist. It took me a while to come to that conclusion, because I have a different viewpoint on feminism than most “traditional” feminists, in that I believe feminism not only means the right to choose to buck traditional gender roles, but also the freedom to choose to embrace those gender roles. My mother is a stay-at-home mom who raised two kids on a farm (one of them home-schooled), and she is one of the most kick-a$$ women I know, despite never having actually kicked anyone’s a$$. She has lived the life that made her happiest, despite the world and “feminists” constantly berating people and labeling her life as the “weak” choice. I can tell you, for a fact, that I don’t have the courage and strength to do what she has done.

We (and by “we” I mostly mean women, though this can apply to anyone that feels forced into a box) are constantly bombarded with the expectation that we must do everything a man does, and if we don’t then we have failed as feminists. I don’t think this is true. I believe we have a duty to live the life that is going to make us happiest. If what makes you happy is kicking the bad guy’s butt and being physically stronger than the average bear, than go for it! You deserve that life! But if your idea of happiness more closely resembles a Jane Austen novel, complete with a handsome man to sweep you off your feet and a beautiful home with tons of little ones running around, then that has just as much value, and it certainly doesn’t make you a bad feminist.

I completely agree that we need more books that don’t portray feminity as the kryptonite of feminism, and I, personally, am looking forward to this series. There is so much more to strength than physical power. Just ask my mom.

Thanks to my friend, Elissa, for standing by her convictions and beliefs! You go, girl! I’m always rooting for you 🙂


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life, Random

Rumors Of My Distress Might Not Be As Exaggerated As I Would Like…

So, if anyone actually pays attention to when this blog is updated (irregular as it may be), you may have noticed that I’ve missed a couple of blog posts. Sorry about that. See, there was this guy named Harvey. He came to visit my little corner of the world, and totally over-stayed his welcome.


Continue reading “Rumors Of My Distress Might Not Be As Exaggerated As I Would Like…”

Random, Writing

Q&A TAG: The Debut Novel

So, my good friend and fellow author, Adan Ramie, is a much better blogger than I am. She does all these cool things on her blog that I love reading, but simply can’t imagine writing myself. This, however, I think this I can do!


Niamh set the rules for this game. It’s a Q&A Tag about your debut novel, which for me is Doubt The Stars. It’s not published yet (so I hope I’m not violating any “rules” or anything), but it’s really close!


This is a Tag post, so if you’re an author yourself, check out the end of the post to see how you can get involved! Continue reading “Q&A TAG: The Debut Novel”